Sunday, September 21, 2008

my wish list

kelmarin was so boring.paksa tido but then still x bleh,so decided to list the things i really want before i went off for oz(mcmla da dekat sgt.haha)

here goes.

  1. new anak tudung
  2. tudung munawwarah(sengal mahal gle!)
  3. tudung banyak2 kaler n patterns
  4. new shirts n blouses
  5. at least 2 pair of new jeans
  6. crocs loafer
  7. crocs slip-on
  8. clarks peep-toe(oh ini sgt hendak!!!)
  9. 2 new heels(black n white)
  10. new flip-flop :D
  11. sneakers/sportshoes
  12. sockssss to go with the shoes
  13. new handbag(black or white,if mampu nak both)
  14. sweater
  15. shades
  16. baju kurung
  17. keronsang
  18. new telekung
  19. etc etc etc
i need funds!haha,manela nak cekau duit nak beli byk2 raye pon x if anybody out there nak wat pahala,sedekah2 la duit pd insan yg memerlukan ini.hehe...

seriously,i need almost 2k for all the things.adoimakla,after my 2 students seat for their pmr,i rili need to go out n find a job.2 months of working shud b enuff kot utk membeli belah.hopefully i can stick wif the job.3 months wud b better..pastu ak shopping sampai parents ak pon juling mata.haha :P

oh btw,yesterday i mintak duit wif my dad to shop for hari raya.he asked me 'nk beli ape?'
i replied la,'jeans,shirts,shoes etc'.n then he replied,'jeans?tu bkn pakaian org pompuan!'
amek ko sebijik.panas gak dgr..'agak2 abes seribu?',he said.pastu ngan slamber ak jwb,'amboi,perli nampak?'mls lyn tros tgk tv.da gaya cam xnk bg.

tbe2 pas saho,'nak shopping ke?abah bg 200 cukup?ke nak brape?'..tau cuak ak majuk.huhu

i replied,'ikut ske la'..its not like if i asked 500 u wud have given kan?

adik spent almost 500 for his soooo called raya stuffs,u didnt say a word plak kan?how fair is dat?haha,then i realized,nothing is fair nowadays kan.the favourite one alwiz gets more.

apela,its not like u're going to spend on me the next rayassss to come.for heaven sake,dis wud b my last raya in mesia,y cant it be the best,most spendable raya?

to those budak2 kecik out there.spend while u can.coz when u grow older,u dun get to perabis ur parents' money anymore.(its not like any budak kecik wud read this bloggy thing,bt then luahan rasa)..oh this is suck.

the clarks peep-toe

p/s:take dat car n u'll ruin ur study.i bet on dat!


At September 21, 2008 at 1:15 PM , Blogger seyraxo said...

mygawddd aku pun if xboleh tido i'll make a list. always a looong one u noe! and tak pernah2 accomplish beli semua.. hahaha. tulah. raya ni konon2 nak bersungguh2. tapi mcm xmmpu gak. aku telah bernafsu beli baju kurung smpai 4 pasang! lol ;p
ps. nad, perasaan kita same sekrg. haha.

At September 21, 2008 at 4:32 PM , Blogger Miss Dels said...

byk gile kan kau pnye jenis kasut unt dibeli! haha..
korang smpai2 sne nnt mst tros gile nak bshopping. so, x perlu la bwk byk2 sgt espc mnde2 yg mmg ade kat sne (yep i undrstand yg baju kurung xde kat sne. =p)
smoge x overweight ye beg awk. jgn jd mcm sy. hehe.. =D

At September 21, 2008 at 4:53 PM , Blogger nados said...

seyra::ari2 pon top up wish list.haha
yeah,ade jugak org yg phm.hehe
dely::hehe,x mungkin bershoping di akan menjadi si miskin di sana.haha.eleh,20kg je limit nak isi ape?lingerie je da 15kg.haha


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