sorry for the long wait my dearest readers..
hehe poyo lak.
ok,my nephew's name is officially muhammad ammar mirza bin mohd zamri.
and i'm missing him a lot rite now.
in fact i'm missing the whole family.
like a lot!
the girls had gone out,and i'm all alone.and i guess that's the reason i'm missing Malaysia.
have to keep myself accompanied all the time i think.
tapi tipu jugak sbb semalam i officially feel there's a hole in my heart already.
a hole that only can be filled up when i finally meeting my family which would be 8 months away..time,please fly by fast!
went to bondi junction yesterday n entered osh kosh b'gosh and pumpkin patch.
nearly grab few clothes for ammar mirza,then i realized it is too early..
haih miss miss miss.
and missing mama abah long abang and adik too..
the burden of carrying 30.5kgs of checked in baggage and almost 15kgs of handluggage and the heavy handbag and laptop bag has finally paid off..i do not need a shopping trip coz i have almost evertything. :D
and sape kata sydney x sejuk??yesterday i slept with socks,sweater and gloves on..and randwick is very windy which makes it more cold.and cool.yeah,cool,mate! :P
i think i won't wait till winter to start using heater.and the winter clothes.haha.sejuk wehhhhhh!
so far yg jumpa all are polite australians..
once happened,while i was in the toilet,my hp fell.
and i swore!"shit shit shit"
yela hp br kan..
juz 3days' old..
and then the person next door asked,
"are u ok dear??"
dgn relax ak jawab "yeah,i'm fine.its just that i dropped my phone"
"okay,i tot u don't have toilet rolls or anything"
"oh,no no.i'm fine.thx"
"no worries dear"
oh btw di sini,bila org ckp "thank u",they usually answer by "no worries" or "s'okay".
i think i need to get used to it fast.
no more "ur welcome" nadiah :)
i tink i better stop.
need to finish watching all the movies copied from tira n kak iza before class starts.
2moro is the beginning of week zero.
need to attend few lectures already.
very looking forward to generate back my already dusty brain.
doakan sy berjaya di sini ye :)
nad! asal tak mention kau rindu aku?hampeh arr. eh asal tak upload gambar air mata di klia huahua
kat sini plak org cakap thanks, CHEERS!
cool kan?
hahaha.ak blurrrr
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