few days back when i was sleeping,i dreamed a weird dream.
"we went off to oz already,n i went to an unstated university,which means i didn't go to UNSW.
then i was sickly homesick and keep on crying.When i met my friends during the holiday,i asked them how's UNSW and how regretful i am for choosing 'the university' instead of UNSW."
yeah,IDP allowed me to change to RMIT,MARA allowed me to change,RMIT itself said that there is still availability,yet Allah knows the best.
even before we decide last ramadhan,i did istikharah,but i didn't see any clues as clear as this one.
Alhamdulillah,this week,aftar few days of istikharah,i got this dream.Praise to Allah for showing this way.Now i'm 110% sure that UNSW is the best for me.
kpd sahabat yg memberi pandangan,terima kasih byk2.
ranking tidak penting bg sy.
employment tidak penting bg sy,
yg lebih penting,petunjuk dr Allah,krn hanya Allah yg mengetahui apa yg berada di depan kita,
sedangkan kita,hamba yg kerdil ini tidak mempunyai ilmu seluas itu.
Jika Allah tunjukkan jln sy utk ke RMIT,maka sy yakin itulah yg terbaik buat sy,
perancangan Allah itu adalah lebih baik.
pendapat boleh diberi,tp berilah dgn cara yg baik.
I'm not a stupid,ignorant person who won't accept any opinions.
Perasan shbt harus dijaga.
Hablumminannas harus dijaga juga,bkn hanya hablumminallah.
Moga pilihan kita semua diberkati oleh-Nya,InsyaAllah :)
ye..hanya berserah kepada Allah..don't down with the rumours..
sama2 :)
insyaAllah, kita same2 mengharunginya :D
huhu. good for u.. n yes, HE knows whts best for us. keep praying yeah..
n best of luck!! :)
ps: im comint to aussie next yr. with dely n all. tgu yer :)
reza dan mirah:thx :)
shanis:trima kasih,sila2 dtg2 jgn segan2 :D
all d best in unsw...lets all berdoa dpt atasi dis economic crisis lak! :)
ya betol!!
semoga Allah memudahkan jalan kite semua..aminn
::sure u xkan menyesal..yakin!!
::allah letak kmu d suatu tmpat..atas pengetahuannya yang maha luas..bhw "u mampu"...btol??
hey dear!
yeah u're right...i think UNSW will be a much better place 4 u.
then we can visit each other =)
don't forget to drop by at melbourne yah! XD
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